IPTables, combine with IP Forwarding feature of Linux, can be configured for creating static nat. This post will give example configuration to have static nat in Linux machine.
1. Load nat module.
Execute this command., and add this command in /etc/rc.local file so that this command will be executed every reboot.
modprobe iptable_nat
2. Enable IP Forwarding. This command will enable ip forwarding in Linux machine.
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
You can edit /etc/sysctl.conf and uncomment his line,
To be like this
So that it will have value 1, mean that ip forwarding si enable.
3. Creating IPTables rule.
There are two nat, nat for source address (your home server), using POSTROUTING, nat for destination address (internet server), using PREROUTING.
For example, if you want nat your local server,, with public address, you have to configure POSTROUTING.
Configure static nat for local server to public ip,
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source
Allow forwarding snat connection from local server,
iptables -A FORWARD -t filter -o eth0 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
Save your configuration in your iptables script.
Linux Home Networking (http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/) can be your source for Linux networking related.
By creating interface configuration, ip address, and gateway configuration will remain when machine reboot. In Debian, this configuration can be writen in configuration file name "interfaces" in directory "/etc/network/". The configuration file will have like this:
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static
Fill address, netmask, network, broadcast, and gateway with your IP Address. Also, if you want browse, you need add DNS configuration by creating file "/etc/resolv.conf", with configuration like this:
Viewing current configuration
iptables -L
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
target prot opt source destination
Storing iptables rules in a file
nano /etc/iptables.test.rules
# Allows all loopback (lo0) traffic and drop all traffic to 127/8 that doesn't use lo0
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -i ! lo -d -j REJECT
# Accepts all established inbound connections
# Allows all outbound traffic
# You could modify this to only allow certain traffic
# Allows HTTP and HTTPS connections from anywhere (the normal ports for websites)
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
# Allows SSH connections for script kiddies
-A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW --dport 30000 -j ACCEPT
# Now you should read up on iptables rules and consider whether ssh access
# for everyone is really desired. Most likely you will only allow access from certain IPs.
# Allow ping
-A INPUT -p icmp -m icmp --icmp-type 8 -j ACCEPT
# log iptables denied calls (access via 'dmesg' command)
-A INPUT -m limit --limit 5/min -j LOG --log-prefix "iptables denied: " --log-level 7
# Reject all other inbound - default deny unless explicitly allowed policy:
iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.test.rules
iptables -L
iptables-save > /etc/iptables.up.rules
nano /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables
/sbin/iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.up.rules
chmod +x /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables
See also
- Documentation about the netfilter/iptables:
. http://www.netfilter.org/documentation/ - Gentle Introductions/Overviews
- Firewall and Advanced Routing Under Linux:
. http://ornellas.apanela.com/dokuwiki/pub:firewall_and_adv_routing - Iptables Basics:
. http://www.justlinux.com/nhf/Security/IPtables_Basics.html
- Securing Debian: Adding firewall capabilities:
. http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/securing-debian-howto/ch-sec-services.en.html#s-firewall-setup
This procedure is used for recover switch 2900, 3500, and 3750 series.
1. Connect to switch with console
2. Unplug power cable
3. Hold down mode button when reconnect the power cable to bring to switch: mode
Catalyst Switch Series
LED Behavior and Mode Button Release Action
2900XL, 3500XL, 3550
Release the Mode button when the LED above Port1x goes out.
2940, 2950
Release the Mode button after approximately 5 seconds when the Status (STAT) LED goes out. When you release the Mode button, the SYST LED blinks amber.
2960, 2970
Release the Mode button when the SYST LED blinks amber and then turns solid green. When you release the Mode button, the SYST LED blinks green.
3560, 3750
Release the Mode button after approximately 15 seconds when the SYST LED turns solid green. When you release the Mode button, the SYST LED blinks green.
4. Type flash_init
switch: flash_init
5. Issue load_helper command
switch: load_helper
6. Issue dir flash: command
switch: dir flash:
7. Type rename flash:config.txt flash:config.old to rename configuration file
switch: rename flash:config.txt flash:config.old
8. Issue boot command to boot the system
switch: boot
9. Enter "n" to abort initial configuration dialog
10. Enter enable mode
11. Restore configuration file using rename flash:config.old flash:config.txt
switch#rename flash:config.old flash:config.txt
12. Copy configuration file into memory
switch#copy flash:config.txt system:running-config
13. Overwrite current password
switch#conf t
switch(config)#ena sec cisco
switch(config)#line vty 0 4
swicth(config-line)#pass cisco
switch(config)#line con 0
switch(config)#line con 0
switch(config-line)#pass cisco
14. Save configuration
switch#wr mem
Sometimes you lost your router password, or you work as network administrator in new places, that no one knows the password of your new company router. Here the procedure for recover the password.
1. Connect to your router through console
2. Power off your router
3. Power on while press the ctrl-break key until you get romon
4. Type confreg 0x2142 at romon
romon>confreg 0x2142
5. Type reset to reboot the router
6. Type no when router prompt to using automatic configuration
7. Type enable to get into configuration mode
8. Type copy start run. When you sho run, you will gte the old configuration
Router#copy start run
9. Change line vty password, console password, and enable password
Router(config)#ena sec cisco
Router(config)#line console 0
Router(config-line)#line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)#password cisco
Router(config)#line con 0
Router(config-line)#pass cisco
10. Change configuration register to 0x2102
Router(config)#config-register 0x2102
11. Quit from configuration mode then save configuration
Router#copy run start
Router#wr mem
Configuring nat and without nat is pretty simple. It's just configuring nat and global configuration. Nat id correspond with with same global id. For example, you want all traffic from inside interface will be been nat to outside interface ip address when going to internet through outside interface, then you need configure this.
nat (inside) 1 0 0
global (outside) 1 interface
If you don't want particular ip address will no be been nat, for example network, the you need configure like this.
nat (inside) 0
This post will show example of configuring firewall filter to protect routing engine in Juniper. In Junos, to protect router itself (local routing engine) against attack, like DDoS attack, and TCP Sync attack, or unauthorized access, can be created using firewall filter then apply filter in loopback interface. This post will describe examples for protecting local routing engine against unauthorized access, also icmp, and tcp floods.
Protecting Local Routing Engine Against Unauthorized Access
Creating Firewall Filter
firewall {
filter protect-RE {
term trusted-telnet {
from {
source-address {;
protocol tcp;
destination-port telnet;
then accept;
term untrusted-telnet {
from {
protocol tcp;
destination-port telnet;
then {
term all-traffic {
then accept;
Protecting Local Routing Engine Against ICMP and TCP Floods
Creating Firewall Filter and ICMP and TCP Policer
firewall {
filter protect-RE {
policer small-bw-policer {
if-exceeding {
bandwidth-limit 4m;
burst-size-limit 16k;
then discard;
term protect-icmp-flooding {
from {
protocol icmp;
icmp-type [ echo-request echo-reply unreachable time-exceeded ];
then {
policer small-bw-policer;
term all-traffic {
then accept;
Apply Filter in Loopback Interface
interface loopback 0 unit 0{
family inet {
filter {
input protect-RE;
Those firewalls filter above can be configured in one firewall filter like this:
firewall {
filter protect-RE {
policer small-bw-policer {
if-exceeding {
bandwidth-limit 4m;
burst-size-limit 16k;
then discard;
term trusted-telnet {
from {
source-address {;
protocol tcp;
destination-port telnet;
then accept;
term untrusted-telnet {
from {
protocol tcp;
destination-port telnet;
then {
term protect-icmp-flooding {
from {
protocol icmp;
icmp-type [ echo-request echo-reply unreachable time-exceeded ];
then {
policer small-bw-policer;
term all-traffic {
then accept;
Remember, always configure term statement with accept condition in the end of policy so that others traffics are not blocked.
By creating new folder, and rename it to GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}, you have all you need for configuring your Windows 7.
If you have familiar with Linux or Unix, you must know about change ownership or chown. Windows 7 has such a concept like that. Like on Linux or Unix, if you are an administrator, you can change or take ownership of file and folder. To do that, here are the way:
1. Right click on file or folder you want to take ownership, click Properties, click Security tab.
2. Click Advanced, then click on Owner tab.
3. Click on Edit tab.
4. Click on Other users or groups.
5. Fill with user or group that you want to be owner of the file or folder. Click Ok.