Starting with Froyo, Android has ability to move application to SD Card natively. But some application remain installed on phone internal memory, for example Yahoo Messenger. If you look at application properties, the move to sd card tab was grey, mean you cannot move it to sd card.
This can be fixed using some ADB command. This can be done without rooted the phone. but with this method, some library file or apk file still remain on internal memory.
To 100% move application to SD card, you need root the phone, the using third party application to move all application to SD card.
Here that you need to do to save Android internal memory.
1. Rooted your phone. Just use Google to find how to rooted your Android phone.
2. Install Link2SD.
Link2SD work not like native app2sd of your Android phone. It move all application apk, library, and delvik-cache to S Crad, then create link on your internal memory to SD card partition that save application file. If you check at application properties, it said install on internal memory, but it just link.
3. Use thir party application to clean your delvik-cache, or application cache. Or if you brave enough, use Root Explorer.
4. If you brave enough, uninstall unused system application from internal memory. Again, Link2SD can do this.
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